Singapore 2023

My sculptures commissioned for Marina Bay Sands Hotel in Singapore

I’m thrilled to have a few of my sculptures installed in the Luxury Marina Bay Sands Hotel in Singapore for 2022….and honestly, I’m also excited to visit them!

I’m thrilled to have a few of my sculptures installed in the Luxury Marina Bay Sands Hotel in Singapore for 2023….and honestly, I’m also excited to visit them!

Women in Recovery from Addiction and Abuse

I just finished doing a clay workshop with women in recovery and I’m not sure who benefited the most from the experience, me or the courageous women I worked with. I’m grateful to Mobil Art School for providing funding for this to happen and to the women who accepted me into their healing experience. Here’s a beautiful pinch pot that one of them made.


Parker Projects Opening July 2019

Hope you can come to my opening at Parker Projects gallery in Vancouver….

All are invited to celebrate the artists exhibiting in
Behind the Seen

Reception Thursday, July 18 from 5 - 7pm.

These five British Columbian artists draw inspiration from their environment. With keen eyes and honed attention, they offer up visions of our world that penetrate beyond the merely seen, each work an enlivening antidote to the low-resolution viewpoint of our hurried lives.

Cybele Ironside, Kari Kristensen, Gillian Richards, and Tanis Saxby will be in attendance and delighted to share their work with you.
Lisa Ochowycz will not be here as she is participating in a residency in Switzerland. Behind the Seen is an invitation to awaken our attention: to both the artworks shared, and our own daily environs.

The exhibition continues to August 17th.

Gallery hours are Wednesday to Saturday
11am - 5pm
and by appointment

Tanis Saxby 2017.jpg

I'm having a Solo exhibition at The Z Gallery Arts in Vancouver. The opening is on September 28,

6-8pm. The title of the exhibition is called "Intimacy". 

On View: September 28th – November 11. 2017

Artist Reception: September. 28th. 2017, 6pm-8pm

102-1688 West 1st Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada

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London, England Representation at Belgravia Gallery

I Just came back from visiting my gallery representation in London, England. Belgravia Gallery just relocated from Mayfair in London to a castle in Chinthurst Hill, London. This was intended for clients to get a better idea what sculptures and paintings can look like in a luxury living environment. This castle was built by Edwin Lutyens, the greatest British architect of the twentieth century. I feel honoured to have my work represented in such a beautiful place.


On Creativity

" What a beautiful testament to the creative spirit and its true motives, to creative contribution coming from a place of purpose rather than a hunger for profit." Leonard Cohen

I love this way of looking at creating art. Actually at looking at life in general, from what I can give rather than what I can get from each situation. This is not to say that I don't think that an artist should be paid well for their work, on the contrary, making art is hard work. I believe It takes years of honing skills, connecting to oneself and to one's medium, to create long lasting gifts for the world.


Creativity as a Guest

Tom Waits said in an interview with GQ magazine about creating songs “Some songs will come to me with almost an absurd ease, like dreams taken through a straw, other songs I have to work hard for like digging potatoes out of the ground, while some songs are like wild birds that I must come at sideways, sneaking up on them gently so as not to scare them into flight."

I like thanking creativity and treating it as a guest because honestly, I'm lucky to host it. As soon as I start making the work about what I can do and taking full credit, I tend to make terrible forms.

Creativity and the Art Making Process

I love the Quote by Pablo Picasso "Inspiration exists but it has to find you working".

My creative process involves hard work and then sometimes the muse arrives to lead the way. Making art for me is a practice in honing my skills and then being ready to listen for what feels right and the wain which the material wants to be used. 

Instead of waiting for the ideal conditions to create, I just show up at my studio and get to work in the most honest way I can. Having a family, and being over 40 has led me to work this way. Having said that, creating is a very spiritual experience for me, and I make my best work when my heart is leading.

Here's a couple of photographs of my studio, it can be transformed to what I need it to be. It's also my sanctuary.